Sunday, 9 February 2014

TruthofGujarat and Mukul Sinha -defenders of cruel, barbaric killers of Godhra!

TruthofGujarat and Mukul Sinha tried their best to let the barbaric killers of Godhra go-scot free. They tried to and try to say that the Godhra carnage was not done by any mob at all!

Mukul Sinha said, "It is nonsense to say that Godhra was a planned act or a conspiracy. It was an accident, which was wrongly termed as the 'most horrendous diabolical incident'."

After his presentation in August 2004, some listeners wanted Sinha to clarify if his contention also meant that neither Muslims nor Hindus planned Godhra.
Sinha quipped, "The Vishwa Hindu Parishad didn't burn S-6 compartment in Godhra, but they did burn the country thereafter!"

This man was given full opportunity to present his case to the Nanavati Commission. Everyone- the SIT appointed by the Supreme Court (which did the Godhra investigation and prosecution also, like in some other selected cases), the Nanavati Commission and the trial court said that not only was Godhra an act of terrorism done by a mob, it was also pre-planned.  Of course, the train burning in Godhra was done by an armed mob of fanatic Muslims in Godhra, who roasted to coal 59 women and children and old and men in the most dastardly manner. There are more than 50 eyewitnesses who saw this, like 16-year old Gayatri Panchal who was in shock for quite a while after Godhra. 

Indeed as the then editor of The Hindustan Times, Vir Sanghvi said after Godhra: 

“Why then are these poor kar sewaks an exception? Why have we de-humanised them to the extent that we don’t even see the incident as the human tragedy that it undoubtedly was and treat it as just another consequence of the VHP’s fundamentalist policies?
  The answer, I suspect, is that we are programmed to see Hindu-Muslim relations in simplistic terms: Hindus provoke, Muslims suffer.
  When this formula does not work -- it is clear now that a well-armed Muslim mob murdered unarmed Hindus - we simply do not know how to cope. We shy away from the truth - that some Muslims committed an act that is indefensible - and resort to blaming the victims.”

That’s what everyone did after that. It is absolutely clear, looking at the stone pelting done, statements from survivors like 16 year old Gayatri Panchal, 13 year old Gyanprakash and 50 other witnesses, fire brigade officers, etc that it was a mob which burnt the karsewaks in the most gruesome manner. This was done at Signal Falia, a Muslim dominated area near the station, in a town known for communal acts since 1927, which witnesses such acts in 1927, 1946, 1948, 1965, 1980, 1982, 1990, 1992 also. 

   Lawyers of terrorists like TruthofGujarat i.e. LiarsofGujarat have no sense of justice towards the 59 innocents charred to death at Godhra and can go to this extent- to deny the undeniable, to defend the indefensible, to explain the unexplainable and set free the horrific barbaric killers of Godhra. The trial court ofcourse, also, has concluded that it was a planned attack by an armed mob and convicted 31. 

  Even these photos are not enough to melt heart of LiarsofGujarat. But then what else can one expect from LawyersofTerrorists ? 



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