Sunday, 9 February 2014

TruthofGujarat- Lawyers of terrorists lie that Modi runs

A second very wrong lie propagated by Mukul and Pratik Sinha is that Narendra Modi runs These gentlemen tried their best to first find fault with by falsely alleging that it ‘Justifies’ riots and then to drag Narendra Modi’s name in it. Their arguments on why they think Narendra Modi has anything to do with this site are given here.

“,,, etc – All these websites are being run by Rajesh Jain’s team who is officially appointed by Narendra Modi to run his IT campaign. Their common roots can be seen from the fact that each one of these websites reside on the same server with the IP Address Rajesh Jain’s blog Emergic.Org is also one of these several sites sitting on this server. which is regularly endorsed by Narendra Modi on twitter also sits on this same server.”

These gentlemen conveniently forgot to see many things, and of course ignored them when we clarified.
1-      Rajesh Jain was appointed in July 2013 according to this report from The Times of India 
Whereas we run from May 2008. The site was registered on 10 May 2008 and is on with posts since 22 May 2008. This was long before any IT team, any major influence of the social media. In those days, only orkut was somewhat popular, facebook was  yet to pick up and twitter too was not strong. (Incidentally, we opened a twitter account only in March 2012, almost 4 years AFTER running the site). 

2-      As says here The author is a now- 25 year old man who ran the site single-handedly from 2008 when he was 19 years old to 2011 with the help of someone in US who got the domain registered for him. He wrote the book when he was 18 years old in 2007 and for 1 year tried to convince anyone who would listen that a website is needed to bring out the truth of the 2002 riots. It all went on deaf ears, and it is only by the efforts of an individual volunteer that we got the site registered in May 2008. In Aug 2011 he got the help of a social media activist who was also a not-too-old youngster. In 2012 they revamped it with help of some individuals- the design was changed and hence the site was down for a few months. But the only thing changed was the design-the content was absolutely the same before and after the revamp.

   But even today the entire site is run by the author almost single-handedly. It has absolutely nothing to do with any other individual, group, or organisation. The author is keen to have the website and the book available in Hindi, along with English. We welcome all those willing to translate the website and / or the whole book in Hindi or any regional Indian language. The book was written in May 2007 but has not yet been published.

It follows common sense that the website cannot have anything to do with Narendra Modi when the book is unpublished even after more than 6 years and has not been translated in Hindi, or any other language including Gujarati. If this website had the backing of a Chief Minister, who is also a Prime Ministerial candidate now, the least he would have done is make sure that the site is also available in Hindi, and that the book is published. 

Now, Pratik and Mukul Sinha claim that the site has same IP addresses as some other sites like India272 or FriendsofBJP. But they hide the fact that the IP of was different from 2008 till 2012. As we said in our ‘About us’ page, in 2012 when some volunteers offered to redesign it,  the design was changed. We had no idea what other sites the people also run- even if they run Nitidigital or FriendsofBJP- that’s none of our concern. (So by their logic would they admit, that from 2008 to 2012 at least the site had nothing to do with Modi or anyone, since it had a completely different IP address?).

So by lying that Narendra Modi runs the site- they have committed the following:
1-      Wrongly giving credit of the work of to a different person. This work needed a lot of research.
2-      False defamation of a big man like Narendra Modi by accusing him of running website ‘justifying’ Gujarat riots- when he neither runs the site nor does the site ‘justify’ riots.
3-      They said: “We can only tell Mr Jain that you can’t wash off the blood of Gujarat 2002 by changing IP Addresses. The tragedy of 2002 shall follow Modi till victims get their justice.”
Needless defamation of Rajesh Jain. He is not the author of the site. And there is absolutely nothing wrong in anyone running it is open for correction if proven wrong. Perhaps, one day, Justice will catch up with terrorists’ lawyers and barbaric killers’ defenders like Mukul Sinha and Pratik Sinha.You can't wash off the blood of 2002 which you tried to do so hard, defending the cruel, barbaric killers of Godhra, and also of hundreds of other Hindus also killed even after Godhra.

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